A City for All? Uncovering the Infrastructure of Segregation

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Barbora Menšíková
Other authors: Kristína Jamrichová, Denis Kozerawski, Jakub Mácha, Barbora Menšíková, Ondřej Mohyla, Roman Novotný, Martina Růžičková, Michal Zálešák
Other authors: Kristína Jamrichová, Denis Kozerawski, Jakub Mácha, Barbora Menšíková, Ondřej Mohyla, Roman Novotný, Martina Růžičková, Michal Zálešák
The book "Mesto pre všetkých? Odkrývanie infraštruktúry segregácie" (A City for All? Uncovering the Infrastructure of Segregation) is based on an interdisciplinary, participatory research project conducted between 2020 and 2022, which produced a case study of a so-called excluded locality located in Velké Krtíš, a small district town in southeastern Slovakia. The RUVK team that carried out the research consisted of designers, architects, social scientists, a social housing expert and a lawyer, and has been working in the locality in different configurations since 2018.