School Of


In the mid-19th century, the fortress city of Olomouc represented the pinnacle of defensive strategies and military construction. A unique collection of twenty-one advanced forts created a partially preserved landscape encircling the greater Olomouc area. Over thirty students from the Brno Faculty of Architecture focused their efforts on uncovering the potential of the fortified landscape on the cusp of an expanding city and the practical utilization of selected historical structures.

The exhibition "ACHTUNG FESTUNG - Embracing the Olomouc Fortress" presented a wide range of possible uses for the rediscovered cultural and historical heritage of the unique fortress organism on the border between the city and the countryside in twenty-four student designs. The exhibition's vernissage took place on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, at 4 PM in the Molitor Library, Kosinova 7 in Olomouc.