Angelika Hinterbrandner: Practising Architecture

Space for Engaged Architecture, as part of the Faculty of Architecture at BUT, organized a roundtable with an architect Angelika Hinterbrandner. In her practice, but also through the online magazine Kontextur, Angelika addresses the image of architecture and the processes behind the production of the built environment – such as the working conditions in the industry or what it means to be a woman in the architecture world today. The roundtable took a place on Saturday, 21 January 2023, at 2 pm at the Brno Gallery of Architecture as part of the project Dear architects… — Architecture as Labour.
@ahinterbrandner is working in a variety of formats and collaborations within and beyond the field of architecture. Her current research focuses on the political and legislative framework of the financialization of housing and the implications of the climate crisis on the built environment. She worked with ARCH+ and Brandlhuber+/ Since 2019 she is part of @kntxtr addressing the possibilities and responsibilities of future architects. Since 2021 she is teaching at ETH Zurich. Together with five other actors, she initiated @spaceforfuture_org in 2022 which stands for more affordable, sustainable and equitable access to housing for the 99%.