Are we architects? — Tatjana Schneider

The Faculty of Architecture at the Brno University of Technology, in cooperation with the Brno Gallery of Architecture, the Student Organization of the Faculty of Architecture and the VI PER gallery in Prague, cordially invites you to attend a lecture “Architecture Schools Should be Dissolved! unless” held by an architect and academician Tatjana Schneider which is part of the lecture series “Are we architects? On Educational, Architectural Profession and Institutional Critique”.
This talk will take as its starting point a set of demands that were formulated back in 2011 by Tatjana Schneider, Alastair Parvin and Sam Brown. Pointing out the introverted nature of architectural education and practice, they called into question notions of responsibility and elitism and insisted on the need for change. Of course, they were neither the first nor the last to formulate our contempt for university-level education, and particularly architectural education. There were many before there, there has been much noise since, and there will be, Tatjana Schneider fears, many others that follow. Still, we seem to be in a particularly intense phase of chatter, attempts to reformulate universities, rewrite curriculums and so on. This is due to, we keep hearing, because of the dire urgency of addressing issues that affect us all: looming climate catastrophes, already existing massive inequalities and economic crises, and immense social upheavals that seem closer than ever. It is those spaces of discontent and experimentation that Tatjana Schneider wants to inhabit for a short while. At the same time, she wants to illustrate how it might become possible to not just relate to the world but to work with the world to fundamentally change hegemonic systems and to reconfigure how we do, build, maintain, and care for relationships that contribute to addressing the multitude of crises we are not only facing but have been complicit in creating.