School Of

Delirious Sarajevo

Project "Treštící Sarajevo", whose author is Zora Bogárová, was created at the Faculty of Architecture of BUT in Brno. The project deals with the ubiquitous topic of reducing car traffic in the city. The goal of the project is to gradually reduce residents' dependence on their personal cars and increase the motivation to use public transport. Analysis is an important aspect of the project. The author explains to readers that Sarajevo, as we know it today, is a diverse city with many problems: traffic jams, environmental pollution, lack of greenery in public spaces, poor public transport system and mountainous terrain. All these factors make Sarajevo a city of cars.

The cycle routes are designed in a rather unconventional and daring way. This project was appreciated by the jury mainly because it shows possible new design directions guided by a strong concept. The main idea of a giant bicycle bridge is futuristic and difficult to implement in today's world. It is a manifesto, a demonstration that shows what efforts need to be made to make cities work without cars.

The project received an award in the Urban design Award 2022