Doctoral Workshop: Grounding Research. Methods and Practices of Knowledge with Marija Marić

Doctoral Workshop: Grounding Research. Methods and Practices of Knowledge Production
Instructor: Dr. Marija Marić, University of Luxembourg
September 3, 2021
10:00–17:00 I Online
“Archives are not neutral: they embody the power inherent in accumulation, collection, and hoarding as well as that power inherentin the command of the lexicon and rules of language.”—Allan Sekula, Reading an Archive, 4. What are the archives and ‘primary sources’ that inform our research?
How do their material conditions, manifested through their institutional belonging (or a lack of it), ownership, accessibility, longevity, media-specificity, production and distribution, shape their very content? And how do our own material and historical conditions as researchers shape our ways of reading an archive, and thus also archives themselves?
Each doctoral student was asked to prepare a short presentation of existing or potential materials they understand as ‘primary sources’ of their research. The presentations served to guide others in a group through what might constitute one’s research materials—whether this includes a curated archive, interviews, travel diary, newspaper articles, advertisements, datasets, or any other source imaginable. The presentations, free in format and 15 minutes long, was followed by a 15 minutes discussion. The workshop also included a brief overview of practical, digital tools and software, useful for collecting and managing our research data.