Hejčín – Waldorfská tělocvična

Although Waldorf pedagogy is commonly widespread in the Czech Republic, the architectural principles based on this pedagogy are not yet firmly grasped. Buildings that are expected to be open and accessible, which is also based on the philosophy of this school, tend to be closed in on themselves and therefore inaccessible to the public at first glance.
The project also takes this issue into account when designing the Waldorf gymnasium itself. Although it strives for maximum openness and accessibility, it also takes into account a certain need for privacy and security. At the same time, it emphasizes multifunctionality, which it achieves by finding alternative uses for already defined architectural elements.
Physically, the object is solved using the collage method - combining individual principles into one whole. The starting points were mainly different formal approaches to architecture in a cross-section of history, as well as the work of the Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas – Elements of Architecture, which deals with the fundamental elements of architecture and different perspectives on them.
The project won the XXI. Bohuslav Fuchs Award.