Historic houses of Jihlava

Evaluation of architectural, urban, historic and spatial values and examination of the possibilities of their sensitive adaptations in the context of current transformations of the Jihlava historical city centre.
One of the important outcomes was a creation of a report containing professional recommendations for the application of the project results that will not only serve as a set of reference examples and recommendations for further work with specific properties, but it is assumed that the results of the project will be used as a basis for the strategic plan of the city of Jihlava regarding the treatment of buildings owned by the city and will also serve to enrich the activities of individual departments of the city. Under the professional and pedagogical guidance, the students associated with the topic of the doctoral studies of the Institute of Urbanism (Vratislav Zíka) evaluated the use of the methodological result not only in the academic environment, but also in the practical use by the city of Jihlava. Experience from specific architectural students’ projects for the city of Jihlava and the experience of the company ARCHAIA made it possible to synergistically evaluate the outputs of student studios on specific problems of the city of Jihlava, especially its historical environment. In 2022, 3 students were involved in the project (1 of them completed a master´s thesis on this topic).
Project funded via The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic – TA ČR led by Assoc. Prof. Karel Havliš was carried out in cooperation with Archaia Brno (public benefit organisation) from 2018 to 2022