Świnoujście 2+

The urban project takes into account the entire city of Swinoujscie. Thanks to its spa and tourist nature, the city experiences a strong cyclical change during the year. There is an overabundance of tourists in the summer months, while the rest of the year the tourist area of Swinoujscie is empty.
The project focuses on the motif of cyclical change in the extreme. Instead of the scale of one year, it solves the scale of centuries. It takes into account the specific natural conditions surrounding the Baltic. It is an environment of cooler shallow sea, long flat beaches facing north, beaches with typical dunes and pine forest. The hotel development is getting closer to the sea, which is receding and the beach is getting bigger. However, research points to rising sea levels. This increase can become a big problem for all seaside towns and localities. In the range of 150-200 years, the sea level will rise by approximately 2 meters. This became the basis of the design.
The project won the Laurus 2022 competition - an exhibition of student works with the theme of landscape architecture, in the category Idea scale. It also became the winning project of the XXII. Bohuslav Fuchs Award.