Winery Přátelé Pavlova
Other authors: Jan Vodička, Martin Kopecký, Dalibor Klusáček, Jan Martínek, Alena Dvořáčková
The vineyard building, located in the scenic Pálava Hills, blends seamlessly with the surrounding landscape. Its design draws inspiration from traditional barns and employs a sustainable, eco-friendly approach. The structure maximizes natural elements, with minimal use of construction materials. This harmonious balance between modern technology and old principles offers a refreshing contrast to extravagant wineries. While a tasting room with a view of the castle and the water's edge caters to visitors, the remainder of the space serves wine production and storage needs. The construction adheres to the regulations of a protected natural reserve, with part of it integrated into the terrain and a vegetated roof to merge with the surroundings. The facade is constructed as a sandwich panel system.