Winy Maas - The New Old // lecture for Brno

Winy Maas: architect and educator, founder of the international office MVRDV and the important think-tank The Why Factory (TU Delft) spoke at the ART cinema. The lecture, entitled The New Old, was customized for Brno and a collaboration with the Institute of Experimental Design of the Faculty of Architecture of the BUT. As part of the lecture, Winy Maas also added a personal commentary on the design of the Moravian Jewish Museum Mehrin. The lecture took place on December 15 at 5:30 pm in the Great Hall of the Art Cinema on Cihlářská Street.
Winy Maas's lectures are never just a presentation of projects, but always have a wide context and are always an important voice in the discussion about architecture, urbanism and the world. One of the most important themes that consistently comes up in these lectures is working with climate change and the responsibility that this change implies for the work of architects and urban planners.
Students from the FA BUT studio of Szymon Rozwalka were exploring the possibilities of transforming the structuralist treasure from the hands of the iconic Dutch architect Herman Hertzberger, the Centraal Beheer in Apeldoorn.
The office building is unique not only in its design but also in the layout and openness of the individual offices, which obliterates the hierarchy. This open space seems to be very economically unviable. Leading to the economic aspect the iconic buildings have been abandoned since 2013. Studio MVRDV is working on the project of building transformation into a housing complex.